Bishop Museum

bishop museum

Bishop Museum and Kamehameha Schools

Bishop Museum – Known by Hawaiians as “Hale- ho’ike-o-Kamehameha” which translates to “exhibition house of Kamehameha“.  It is also known as the Hawaiian State Museum of Natural and Cultural History.  Bishop Museum was founded in 1889 by Charles Reed Bishop in memory of his late wife Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Princess Bernice was the great granddaughter of Kamehameha the Great and last direct descendent of the Royal blood line.  Recognized as the leading museum in the Pacific, it features many Hawaiian exhibits, a planetarium, flora collections, and various other exhibits from around the world. Admission.

Kamehameha Schools are left of us on the far hillside. Charles and Bernice Bishop were never able to have children but they loved children.  Threw her will, upon Princess Bernice’s death, her handed down fortune of the Kamehameha family was used to establish the Bishop Estate.  The estate was to be used to establish what is now known as the Kamehameha Schools.  In terms of total endowments, Kamehameha Schools is second only to Harvard University.  Today, as when it was first started, any child can attend the Kamehameha Schools however, if seating should become limited, a child of Hawaiian blood will be given preference over others.

Bishop Museum  Honolulu, Hawaii

The Bishop Museum is the best place there is if you’re interested in Hawaiian history and culture.  Bishop Museum is well worth a visit during your stay in Oahu.

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