Honolulu Academy of Arts


Honolulu Academy of Arts and Thomas Square

The Honolulu Academy of Arts opened in 1927 and was founded by Mrs. Anna Rice Cook who wanted to share her collections of art as well as her interests in art education with the people, and especially the children, of Hawai’i.  It’s the only general arts museum in Hawai’i with collections representing cultures from around the world.  There are 30 galleries and 6 unique garden courtyards.  Admission.

thomas squareThomas Square, just across the street from The Honolulu Academy of Arts was named after British Admiral Richard Thomas.  You see, in 1843 Hawai’i fell under British rule.  King Kamehameha III appealed to England’s Queen Victoria and with the help of Admiral Thomas, who was the ranking British official in the Pacific, on July 31, 1843 the Kingdom of Hawai’i was restored.  In 1850, King Kamehameha IV gave the area its name making it Hawai’i’s first public park.  The tree’s you see in the center of the park are Indian Banyan tree’s.

After Honolulu Academy of Arts

If you found The Honolulu Academy of Arts interesting, you may want to consider a visit to the Bishop Museum.