Honolulu Hale

honolulu hale

Honolulu Hale and Mission Houses

Honolulu Hale – Hale is the Hawaiian word for home or house, so what we have here is the “House of Honolulu” or more commonly referred to as “City Hall”.  Built in 1927, the building houses offices for the mayor, city council, and other municipal offices.  The building is set in the park- like setting which surrounds all of this area.  This is actually the second Honolulu Hale. The first, built by King Kamehameha III in 1835, was destroyed in 1853.

mission houses museumMission Houses Museum.  These are considered some of the most historic buildings in Honolulu.  “The Frame House” was built in 1821 and was used by O’ahu’s first missionaries, including Elisha Loomis, the Hiram Binghams, and the Gerrit Judds.  Also built in 1821, “The Coral House” was used as a printing shop by Elisha Loomis.  Here, using a Ramage iron and mahogany printing press, is where the first written word in the Islands was printed.  Built in 1831,  “The Chamberlain House” was home to Levi Chamberlain while also serving as the Missions storehouse.  Admission.

Close to Honolulu Hale

This is what you’ll find in and around Honolulu Hale.  Also, just a short walk from here, you’ll find the Honolulu Academy of Arts.