Bishop Museum

bishop museum

Bishop Museum and Kamehameha Schools

Bishop Museum – Known by Hawaiians as “Hale- ho’ike-o-Kamehameha” which translates to “exhibition house of Kamehameha“.  It is also known as the Hawaiian State Museum of Natural and Cultural History.  Bishop Museum was founded in 1889 by Charles Reed Bishop in memory of his late wife Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Princess Bernice was the great granddaughter of Kamehameha the Great and last direct descendent of the Royal blood line.  Recognized as the leading museum in the Pacific, it features many Hawaiian exhibits, a planetarium, flora collections, and various other exhibits from around the world. Admission. Read more…

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Honolulu Academy of Arts


Honolulu Academy of Arts and Thomas Square

The Honolulu Academy of Arts opened in 1927 and was founded by Mrs. Anna Rice Cook who wanted to share her collections of art as well as her interests in art education with the people, and especially the children, of Hawai’i.  It’s the only general arts museum in Hawai’i with collections representing cultures from around the world.  There are 30 galleries and 6 unique garden courtyards.  Admission. Read more…

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Honolulu Hale

honolulu hale

Honolulu Hale and Mission Houses

Honolulu Hale – Hale is the Hawaiian word for home or house, so what we have here is the “House of Honolulu” or more commonly referred to as “City Hall”.  Built in 1927, the building houses offices for the mayor, city council, and other municipal offices.  The building is set in the park- like setting which surrounds all of this area.  This is actually the second Honolulu Hale. The first, built by King Kamehameha III in 1835, was destroyed in 1853. Read more…

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Kawaihao Church

kawaihao church

Around Kawaihao Church

Kawaiha’o Church got its name from the chiefess Ha’o who would come to the fresh water spring located on the land.  Since 1820 there had been four thatch churches used by the missionaries’.  In the late 1830’s the present day church was built.  Hiram Bingham was the architect, the ali’i (chiefs) donated the money and labor, and the commoners hauled the timber and cut and moved over 14,000 blocks cut from coral reefs. Read more…

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Kamehameha Statue

aliolani hale

The King Kamehameha Statue

The Kamehameha Statue stands in front of Ali’iōlani Hale which was started in 1872 and completed two years later.  Designed by Thomas Rowe, the building was originally going to be a palace and serve as the King’s residence.  But, this was changed when King Kalakaua saw it and thought it was not “grand” enough to be seen as the Kings residence.  After all, the Palace was to beHawaii’s answer to the United States’ Whitehouse.  The building eventually became the Kingdom treasury, Supreme Court, and other government offices.  Today, it continues to be the Hawai’i State Supreme Court.  Tours free. Read more…

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Iolani Palace

iolani palace

Around ‘Iolani Palace

This is actually the second Iolani Palace. Also built on this site, the first was a one story building, constructed of coral blocks in 1845.  It was torn down in 1878 and the following year this second palace was started being completed in 1882 at a cost of $360,000.  Many tour guides will tell you that this is the only royal palace on American soil.  But, technically this is not correct.  There are three; ‘Iolani Palace, Queen Emma’s Summer Palace which is less than two miles to the north, and there is a third palace located on the Big Island of Hawai’i.  ‘Iolani Palace is the most impressive and at the time, was a very modern building.  For example, the Palace had electricity before Buckingham Palace and the White House.  It was the first palace in the world to have running water and flush toilets.  The Palace was the official residence of King Kalākaua and Queen Kapiolani.  The King died in 1891 while on a trip to San Francisco.  Since his younger brother had died in 1877, the thrown was pasted to his sister who became Queen Lili’uokalani. She remained Queen for two years and in 1893 the Hawaiian Monarchy was overthrown. Read more…

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Aloha Tower

aloha tower

Aloha Tower and Around

Aloha Tower was completed in 1926 and at 184′ 2″ (10 stories) it was the tallest building in Hawaii up until the early 1960’s.  Originally built as a light house and to serve as the harbor masters control center, today it serves as one of Hawaii’s most recognized land marks.  Just to look at the building, the Aloha spirit is obvious.  Today, the area surrounding the tower is also a popular spot with the addition of The Aloha Tower Marketplace. Read more…

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Chinatown Honolulu

Chinatown is what you would expect; a collection of markets, herbalists, noodle shops, plus some very good flower lei stands.  It may not be as large as what you would find in New York or San Francisco but it is the oldest Chinatown in the United States.

History of Honolulu’s Chinatown

The years, just before the turn of the century (late 1800’s) saw the whaling industry flourish in Hawai’i.  The whaling vessels would arrive in Honolulu Harbor where they would unload their cargo.  These vessels were also carrying an unwanted cargo, rats! Upon docking, the rats would all come ashore and they eventually found their way into Chinatown.  Now, the rats were not that big of a problem, however, the rats were infested with fleas which were carrying bubonic plague.  This caused a serious outbreak of plague in Chinatown.  Most of the rats were in a confined area of three buildings and on January 20, 1900 the fire department did a controlled burn of those buildings in an attempt to rid the area of the infestation.  Problem was, as soon as they had started the burn, the trade winds picked up.  Bottom line of the story is; three days later when they were finally able to stop the fire, all if Chinatown (50 acres and over 6000 homes/buildings) had been destroyed.  Good part of the story; the rats and plague were eliminated! Read more…

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Around Pearl Harbor

Some of the other point of interest around Pearl Harbor

Ford Island.

Access to Ford Island is limited to military I.D. card holders and the USS Missouri shuttle transporting visitors to the Mighty Mo.  Many of us know Ford Island, for it was one of the focal spots of the attack on December 7th, 1941.  The area surrounding Ford Island was more commonly known as Battleship Row.  The island itself served as an airfield for the Navy’s air planes.  Moku-‘ume’ume (‘ume’ume game island), the Hawaiian name for the island, is so named for a game which childless couples played on the island.  During the latter part of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Moku-‘ume’ume was a favored royal retreat.

Bridge to Ford Island.

fors_islandCompleted in mid-1998, this bridge provides the first direct access to the island.  Prior to this, one had to use a Naval ferry.  With the completion of the bridge, there is a vision that the island will become developed. Read more…

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USS Missouri

uss missouri

USS Missouri Battleship and Bowfin Submarine

The USS Missouri. She weighs 58,000 tons, is 887′ 3″ long, is 108′ 3″ wide and packs nine 16″ guns. Now nicknamed “MightyMo”, was commissioned in June 1944 and served in World War II and the Korean Conflict. Decommissioned in 1955 and in 1986 the ship was modernized, re-activated and in 1991 deployed in support of the Persian Gulf War. Decommissioned for the second and final time in 1992. Read more…

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